What Did We Learn? And the realization that ... And what is Life? Articulating the different deaths ... What is After-Death Communications? The Laboratory Scientists What do ADCs & NDEs convey? Near-Death Experiences. Thoughts are real. Karma - for every action there is a ... Why forgive? It's your choice Your God or mine is not vengeful. As God's children we are ... Being different is not being inferior. The Ustadt's discovery of a clean ...
Eulogy in Bahasa Indonesia God said: "I'll lend you my Child..." A Friend: Tell me about Cyrus Friends: My Heart Breaks for you Our Son in the other Dimension The Do's and Don'ts In Facing Bereaved Parents Published List on After-Life, Near Death Experiences & After-Death Communications In memory of Cyrus' 1st. Anniversary in the Other Dimension - A Music webpage After-Death Communications is Real -26 Aug., 1999 A Prayer for our Son & all other departed children
List of International Schools In
Cyrus' Memory
The writer is a Member of
![]() ![]() By Raden Adji Suryo-di-Puro – Father & Grandparent - Jakarta, 28th. January, 2000. Jakarta, Indonesia...world's 5th. largest city in the world's 4th. largest nation where Cyrus was born ... where is it? Never heard of it? Please click here Son, It has been exactly one year that you left us for the Other Dimension. Remembering with such pain that day one year ago when on your chair your Mom held your hands and she was crying, “Cyrus, don’t go. Please Cyrus, don’t go. Please ...” and you passed away so quickly in less than 10 seconds when your hands went limp in Mummy’s hands when Mummy, I and your lung doctor were talking with you...
Then I remembered, and reaized just a few days before this painful anniversary, that not only had our Creator told us, but He told us twice. I was too dense to realize the message that was conveyed to us by paranormals. One paranormal in Jakarta told your Mom and her friend in 1998 that “things will change for the better for Cyrus when he’s 25”. Another in Tehran told your Mom in 1997 when you were there with her, that “When you reach the age of 25, your life will change for the better. You will live in such a wonderful place; all your problems will be gone, and you will have peace.” I was too stupid to realize what this paranormal meant: that you will leave us and go to another dimension. Your Mother still cries for you, at least once a day, if not more ... even today during this one year Anniversary... and even though she knows you are in a much better and peaceful place. And remembering these events I, too, have tears writing this Anniversary to you. And then I remember what these paranormals said: “You will live in such a wonderful place ... ”, and I thought to myself, Yes, you are now in a wonderful place. We will remember the nice things of our lives together ... of the musical instruments you loved playing just like you used to play your guitar in this song accompanying your favorite jazz music, the other kinds music you loved listening to ... and because music is the Voice of Heaven. And because of this, this web page is playing your favorite music. I hope readers reading it, and listening to your kind of music won’t mind. It is nice music ... peaceful, and invokes the wonderful things in life¹ and the life we had together as a family. Your Dad To
repeat music click here Orpheus Samba*
¹Days of Wine & Roses* ![]() ![]() The other stories: The former (James Bond) Field Operative and his girl as parents • Now Grandparenting • The Smart Women Environment & City Planning Engineer • The Diplomat • The Businessman whom God said to us "I'll Lend you My Child for awhile..." - There is an afterlife: Our 1st. year experience - Our Son's smile 18 hours after crossing to the other dimension - The Do's and Don'ts in facing bereaved parents – from the bereaved's perspectives - A Road Map for the Bereaved – from the bereaved’s perspectives • More stories What is Heaven like? Heaven is symbolized by the personal beliefs of those who grew up with their beliefs on earth. A Christian will see the Cross and Jesus, and other religions will see their symbols as they enter heaven, all designed so that that the spirits will be comfortable with what they were accustomed to when they were on earth. Everyone, black, white, yellow, red and brown have their places in Heaven, just as all beliefs have theirs. It's not so strange because this world has enough space for all colors and beliefs, and certainly more than enough space in the other dimension. The Creator does not make mistakes, nor relegate one type of belief in the backseat; or is predisposed to a preferred belief or preferred skin color ... the traits of the imperfect soul of which the Creator is not. Butterflies, used by many bereavement groups, symbolize the transformation from a cocoon state to a free-flying butterfly, or the rebirth of the human spirit in a cocoon to a spirit unencumbered with the physical body, just as our Cyrus is now unencumbered with the body which we knew him with. Rainbows symbolize the aliveness and colors of Heaven as experienced by many ADC experiencers. "Over
the rainbow" is music dedicated to those departed loved ones who conveyed
a rainbow to loved ones still on this earth dimension. The
music "Meditation" is dedicated to those praying for and meditating to
their loved ones.
What did we learn through the passing away of our Cyrus? ![]() There was, and there is, pain. Vast amounts of it, unimagined that such pain can exist even though we experienced the pain of losing parents and sister, until we experienced the departure of our Cyrus, aged 25, one year ago to this day. (Cyrus at 23 years of age in 1997, Tehran, when his Mom first received his impending departure at the age of 25 “...and you will have peace”. Even though there is great sadness and choking
pain that wells up from within after one year, and will probably linger
on for many years to come, there is the realization that God loves us and
that He wanted his creation, Cyrus, to be with Him because He loves him.
And because Cyrus belonged to Him, He lent us His Child to enjoy for a
little while. The poem “God said: ‘I’ll Lend You
My Child’,” illuminates this.
The realization that there is more to life than what we are experiencing with our five senses... more so when we realize that even in this dimension, our senses and physical abilities are nothing compared to the animal kingdom's capabilities. That there is a purpose for each one of us guided by intelligence inherent in ourselves – and in all the other creations which exist because of intelligence guiding them. That as we, ourselves, are intelligent beings, everything else that exist do not exist through haphazard existence. And that during this one year
period, Cyrus conveyed to us he is still very much alive. He first
communicates to us by smiling his ‘Mona
Lisa smile’ 18 hours after his passing away;
– We feel his presence many times, the last time late Sunday night, January 30th., 2000, while driving to Jogjakarta, Central Java, 700 km (417 miles) from Jakarta when I felt him there with us and in my mind I asked him, “Where are you going to sit?” (his Mom occupied all the middle seats asleep, I was in the front with the driver who was driving the Kijang MPV estate wagon). His reply, “Don't worry about me,” forcing me to turn around seeing his Mom asleep occupying the seats, and look towards the rear saddle seats in the back where our bags were and visualizing him sitting there, both his elbows on his Mom’s seat, smiling his kind of “Hi Dad” smile. Although his presence was very strong and made
me look back – the kind of feeling when you see someone sitting in front
of you, you close your eyes, seeing him in your mind but when you open
your eyes again, he is no longer there – I realized later that it was not
my imagination after-all when the next night in our hotel room watching
a late night near-death-experience film (yes, a NDE film from Warner Bros)
she was quietly sobbing. “What’s the matter honey? Cyrus...?” And she nodded:
“When Anggie (the driver) was driving last night I felt Cyrus was with
us. I asked him ‘Where are you going to sit darling ...’ and he said ‘Don’t
worry about me Mom ... I’ll sit in the back’.
It was then that I told her that 24 hours earlier,
I also felt his presence in the car and also asked him where was he going
to sit, the very same time when she mentally communicated with him.
And what is Life? A 17 year old, Arian Houshmand, Nahid
Houshmand’s son (click the underlined for their email address), a family
friend, wrote in a poem to Minou, Cyrus’ mother:
That death is merely a “transition” akin to moving
from one room to another, that the persons who moved still exist but living
in a much better place, except that we in this dimension cannot “see” the
persons or their dimension because of the limitations of our physical body’s
5 senses.
Articulating the differences between ... I am very well aware that there are hundreds of thousands, even millions of people, who agree with our story here. But most of them – and it is a good thing too – have not experienced the devastation of losing their child. It is something as I always said, that I would not want my own enemy to experience (a person that I would want the worst to happen to whom, fortunately, I do not have such feelings towards). Everyone dies. We all know that. It is
a subject not too many people like to think about, not even discuss – even
though everyone must go through it. But it is something else when
someone that really matters passes away, and we are hit with that reality
and is brought home with devastating force – forcing us to think
the whys and other things that make up life.
When a spouse dies, one loses the present. Without meaning to be callous but stating the realities, one can always marry another one, and statistics show that over 40% of marriages end up in divorce, even here in Indonesia, the world’s 4th. largest nation of 220 million people (out of some 235 countries) that takes some 10 continuous hours to cross its borders by jetliner. This is not counting those who nearly end up in divorce. And widows and widowers and the divorced can always choose remarrying. But when a child dies your future – and your own self – also dies. Your pride as a father, and your joy as a mother, and all the efforts, your hopes and all you had worked for are gone. To begin with, a mother had to go through carrying the child for 9 months; some had to stay in bed all the 9 months, even though some can even play tennis. Then there is excruciating pain during birth.
While growing up, the mother had to stay up at all hours of the day when s/he got sick, and many times later on worry the parents to no end. As he grew up he goes through all kinds of problems, some small, and some not so small. He is sometimes disobedient, becomes a wise guy and thinks he knows everything about the world. And then, finally, he gradually settles down because he has begun to drink from the fountain of knowledge and experience, and becomes friends to his parents. And realizes that they, too have feelings, are not old fuddy-duddies or old sticks in the mud. We exchange experiences, there is more understanding because the child can even now give advice to his old man and his Mom, and he becomes your buddy. Finally, all you worked for half of your life is paying off. You are happy, and life is just great. And then, suddenly... he is gone ... With it your hopes, your pride and your joy. Replaced with “why my child...”, “... if only, I did this ...”, “ if only that was not done ...” and disappointment beyond words. If the child was a living doll, the hurt of never ever playing with that child again. If he was an adult, the hurt of never knowing how he will turn out to be – as a young father, as a bread winner, and never know how his family would be and playing with his children who would have been living dolls. Even though you know s/he is there because you have vivid dreams just like the real thing – and sometimes you ask yourself, “Was that real?” ... momentary confusion ... and then realize it was but a dream because he is already gone. But you will never hear that familiar voice you’ve heard nearly half of your life, saying the “Hi moms, hi dads”, ever again. Nor hug him, or kiss her and play with her anymore just when they were like living dolls.
When my younger brother passed away at 50 of a heart attack leaving two teenage kids and one 23 year daughter a few days after Cyrus’ anniversary, I did not even shed one tear. Why? perhaps because I knew he had gone to a much better place, and felt the presence of my Mom and Dad and other relatives in that room. When I kissed his cold forehead, I said to him “Take care of Cyrus for us.” Even I tell Cyrus’ Mom, if you keep grieving for him every day, it is like him away in some nice place, enjoying his great life, nice BMW sports car, filthy rich, all kinds of girlfriends like he used to have, but you keep sending him emails, faxes, and phoning him twice a day, “Cyrus, I miss you ... when are you coming home ... ”. How do you think he is going to feel? Very unhappy in knowing his Mom is crying for him every day. Half of me is telling her this, but the other half is silently telling myself, “Who am I kidding ...? And Cyrus’ Mom told me just now while writing out this webpage, and had to interrupt to comfort her grieving, she said: “I know Cyrus has many things to attend to in his dimension ... and my grieving for him keeps him here ...”. But I know that she’s telling me this for my benefit because her other half, like me, is also kidding herself. And our friends ask ... “Is everything okay...?” And many friends ask us, “How is everything? Is it okay?”, and we reply and say “everything is fine” because it is needless to make them unhappy. And, useless to make ourselves unhappy, too because when we remember, choking pain wells up within us and makes us cry. But the reality is not “it’s okay”. And till the day we enter our graves, it will never be okay, in spite of time that should heal us because one year later, the pain is still here ... It has not subsided, nor decreased, and it is not that much different than that first day of devastation. Except we had one year to learn to control ourselves – learnt how to keep appearances for the sake of ourselves ... for the sake of our close friends who do not want to see us unhappy, some of them who travelled great distances from another country just to put a flowered pot on Cyrus’ grave who never told us, except if it weren’t for the grave site attendant who told us of 4 ‘foreign’ visitors who placed the pot on his site. Yes, we know this. But that’s it ... the difference between knowing and actually doing. We are not perfect. We can’t help being selfish wanting him here with us. One must heal oneself from this mental injury. One can keep it all in and say everything is “fine, no problem” and in a few years probably develop cancer because of the stresses that is kept within and because cancer is caused by something going wrong with your body. Stress can trigger whatever weaknesses that is inherent. (I am not a cancer expert, nor even a medical person. But it makes sense). Another can accept it by saying “it is God’s will” and therefore would not “dare” argue against His will – like my neighbour, 3 houses away who lost his 21 year old son just 3 months ago and probably never thought in a million years that he would experience a similar devastation. (His picture is even in one of these web pages, sitting in the foreground, attending the 40th. day commemoration of Cyrus’ passing away). Others go to psychiatrists so they won’t kill themselves, and others pour it out some other way. I am fortunate in a way that I have a former profession to fall back to, and that instead of talking, and very likely sobbing my way through these sessions about this experience to psychiatrists and bereavement groups which everyone agrees is a healing process, I can pour my pain on these pages. No one can describe this experience on paper, not even journalist Pulitzer prize winners, or the famous and well-known writers – no matter how good he is as a writer... What is After-Death Communications? What is “after-death communications”?
does it mean to the ordinary person? Does it mean anything? It does, if
you care for somebody and this person is no longer there. It does not
mean anything if you have no one you care about. While we’ve had our
own ADCs and their interpretations, the following appropriately condenses
what is meant with ADCs.
The Laboratory Scientists There are people, particularly “laboratory” scientists
(for lack of a better word describing those using man-made instruments,
as versus those researchers who record personal experiences with all their
inherent subjectiveness) who base their ADC, NDE and OBE (out of body experience)
research on measurable physical attributes of brain activity, lack of blood
flow and such, and disbelieve these ADC and NDE phenomena simply because
their scale of measurement is not up to it. Concluding, therefore, because
a certain phenomena cannot be measured and quantified, or proven to exist,
such things do not exist.
Ofcourse, everybody has a father (and a mother; otherwise no one would be born), and ofcourse everybody has a thousand and one “something in common” with the rest of the world. But that is not the point. The point is that everybody has a unique story – and its own interpretation – of every event that takes place in their personal lives with these same set of facts common to millions of other people. No “outsider” can tell us, or dispute us, that
what we experience is not there; nor tell us that what we feel and experienced
is not personally important to us. These scientists in other words,
are telling us that we are either mad, or have an overactive imagination.
Something which many people take offence at because scientists assume they
have more superior intelligence, or are in a position to tell others what
they should see or believe. I, and so can a lot of other people who do
not call themselves scientists are certainly no less intelligent, and can
even tell them about many things – and even experiences – which they know
nothing about.
Besides, what is “imagination”? Where
does it come from? Where do ideas, inherent musical
and artistic skills which many times appear as early as when one is a child,
and fantastic inventions come from? When a body is dead, it does
have not any imagination; no ideas, nothing. The body only has them
when it is alive with a soul in it. What does this then say?
It is somewhat like when you as the driver is driving your car where you are the soul is giving the directions, and your car is your body. It behaves the way you want it to behave, a life-saving vehicle as an ambulance; or a killer when it runs someone down. All this is up to the driver, or the soul, analogically speaking. Therefore, why is it so impossible that “a soul with a body” (people like us in this dimension), that skeptics are trying very hard to disprove, cannot communicate with souls without a body (folks like our beloved son, Cyrus, or others like your beloved who have passed away)? The difference is once they had a body, now they don’t. The common denominator – the important issue – is the soul. Not the body, which when compared to other living things on this planet, is not terribly superior either. For example, an eagle’s sight capable of detecting a mouse from hundreds of yards above (while the human needs a telescope), the owl that can practically see in the dark (while the human needs a light amplification scope as used by soldiers during night time surveillance which was only invented over 30 years ago when I left my profession as a field operator and had a hands on experience with them, way before U.S. soldiers in Vietnam even knew they existed), or the bat that can navigate around in complete darkness (which has a built-in radar just like the ones used in warplanes), and whales which can communicate by sound through hundreds of miles of ocean (which we so called intelligent humans have never invented yet, except sub-to-sub com using satellites), and the hundreds of other things which demonstrate that the animal kingdom’s owns physical attributes are far more superior than the human’s physical capabilities. Therefore, we humans should not place too much pride on our physical capabilities which these skeptics and scientists seem to depend on whether a spirit or soul can communicate with us souls with a body, and base their conclusions on physical attributes – which are nothing compared to the animal kingdom’s capabilities anyway. And if we humans “cannot”, therefore they do not exist, the skeptics conclude... forgetting in the meantime that our physical sensories are nothing to talk about. But to make us humans feel better than we are not so far down the scale compared to the animal kingdom, we can always console ourselves that we do have a “superior” brain. But don’t knock the animals either because many of them can learn (dolphins, whales, rats and etc.) and be smart, and can even use a sense of logic (a rat will never touch a poison again which killed one of their own, and will let their eldest member be the tester to see whether it is safe to eat or not – it was demonstrated in my home, and demonstrated under laboratory conditions by Bayer, the multi-national German chemical conglomerate). So, do communications between souls – with, or without a body – exist? Of course, they do. Why do souls “communicate” through electrical and magnetic phenomena, like Cyrus communicated with us through his fan and air conditioning events? Because souls are ernergies, and the closest thing in this dimension that is “energy” is electrical magnetic energy. So, if Cyrus can make a light bulb shatter, no amount of scientific argument can change my mind that it was Cyrus because a light bulb explodes when something is thrown at it. Light bulb makers do not want to be sued by consumers showered by exploding light bulbs. They make sure, their products do not explode. And my 34 year old diplomat son Arto, and his equally-adult friends (who were also Cyrus’s friends) who are diplomats and businessmen, are not a bunch of naughty boys likely to throw things at people’s light bulbs. Likewise with Cyrus’ split air conditioning system that continued to work for 6 straight months, 24 hours a day, non-stop, no matter what I did with it to shut it off. Short of shutting off the fuse at the mains, and turning off many other things in the house, or rewiring the whole house’s air conditioning wiring, to me, his friends and everybody who knew Cyrus, it was Cyrus. He knew, and he knew that I knew, I will not allow all that cool air from his room to go to waste. That meant, as Cyrus figured out – and correctly, too – that I will be forced to open his bedroom door, see his empty bed and everything that was associated with him. By forcing me to open his bedroom door, he was telling me loud and clear: don’t shut me out! This made his mother cry for the first few days each time she saw his open bedroom door and his empty bed with all his things that represented him. But she realized, and finally accepted, that it was his way of telling us not to shut him out. And we thank him for that – for telling us he exists – that everything is like before – and for decreasing our pain, even though we cannot see him with our physically limited eyes! And no matter what kind of arguments any skeptic, or scientist can tell me that it was not Cyrus, Iam steadfast in my belief because I am no less intelligent than those scientists, and can provide any counter arguements those scientists can throw at me. And this is the attitude, you as a person the reader of this page who went through an experience, should adopt. What I write here consider it as a sort of a “guide”. But you make the final decision. Not because I said (or wrote) so; not because a friend or spouse said so, but because you believe so using your “knowledge base”, your own common sense, your knowledge of the physical world (and the physical superiorities of the animal kingdom, and etc.), and your logic. The reader should also be open to the attitude
that if something “strange” or something out of the ordinary happens,
it could be a message from your loved one. If Arto was not sensitive enough,
a light bulb which exploded for no reason could be attributed to something
wrong with the light bulb and dismissed it, probably with a thought of
“maybe we should sue this manufacturer”. But being an intelligent boy (I
should say man) aware that light bulbs do not just explode because of modern
manufacturing methods something therefore made it explode. He concluded,
it must be one of Cyrus’ messages to us.
Another example about “subjectiveness”, can this scientist tell us what we see as blue, is the same as the “blue” that you and I see? Indeed, there are instruments that measure the color blue as so many angstroms in the scale of colors. But what is shown on those instruments, is it the same as what you and I see as the color blue? No, it is not the same, because we will never know whether what I see as blue is exactly the same as what you see as the color blue because I cannot transport my mind’s image to your mind for you to see what I see. Or pain, for that matter; can one "demonstrate" or show our feelings of the pain we are experiencing to the next person (except the manifestation of pain like blood flowing from a wound)? No, obviously not. In other words, these laboratory scientists are moving around in an area of subjectiveness which is not their area of expertise because they want to convert it to “science” and apply the methodology of measuring 1 pound (or one kilo) weighs so many ounces or so many grams. They are qualified only in exact science, like 2 + 2 = 4. They are, analogically speaking, like just a bunch of kindergarten school kids trying to disprove the theories of color TV transmission and challenging anyone to build a colour TV to see how – and whether, it works ... and then trying to prove on Larry King Live that this TV does not work – simply because these scientists cannot measure the television radio frequency waves because they do not even know whether they exist or not. And, because it is way beyond the scientists’ league, beyond their knowledge – and on top of everything else, they are entering into a field they are not even qualified to enter into – the ‘science’ of subjectiveness. They are only in the knowledge stage of kindergarten learning that 2 + 2 = 4. If these lab scientists can answer – more important prove – whether the color red, or the color blue, is exactly the same “hue” (chromaticity, if you want to be ‘scientific’ about it) as what you and I see as red and blue – with, or without a color measuing instrument – then people like me (and millions of others) will take their so-called “scientific” debunking and rejection of paranormal’s communications seriously. Otherwise, these pages and paranormals like Rosemary, James Praagh, and others like them deal only with subjectiveness – a very personal event, and understood only by that person concerned, not even by the paranormals themselves who conveyed the message. It is not the exact science of 2 + 2 = 4. And what is wrong with being subjective about something? It is part of life. You may jump up and down with joy when you win a $ 1 million lottery, but your spouse or partner may just sit in her chair and cry instead. Maybe even faint. That is being subjective, a common everyday event in everybody’s life. It is part of life which we all take for granted, and nothing to be ridiculed about! And these scientists want to measure this – different reactions by different people facing the same set of facts? The facts also state that all religions stand on the belief that there exist a soul, and that there are more people who follow their different religions than there are those who do not believe in the soul’s existence, and that souls are “alive” – alive in that other dimension’s perspective, not in our present earthly perspective because in this earthly perspective “life” is associated with a human body which is alive. While in actual fact there is much more than what we see with our eyes, that is, when the body is dead, it does not mean the “thing” (soul) that animated this dead body is no longer around. Which is more important? This, earthly, dimension’s perspective; or the “other dimension’s perspective”? I would say the other dimension, because souls which drive and move the human body – all religions say – live forever. While we all know that in this earthly dimension, nothing is forever. Not the Grand Canyon, not the Rock of Gibraltar, not the U.S. continent nor the 17,508 islands of the Indonesian archipelago which did not exist a few million years ago, not whole countries, and certainly not the human body. U.S. and British documentaries tell of stories, one similar to the other, one shown in New York July 1999 of a British medical team, and one in Jakarta of an American team also in 1999, both on television when a patient with brain operations had to have their vital signs – heart and brain activity – medically shut down. Particularly the brain because of the danger of hemorraging. Videos of their vital signs were shown, the shutting down of brain activity as represented in the OR scopes. In short, the patients were defined as clinically dead, brain and heart-wise by accepted British and U.S. medical standards. When both patients were revived, and it again showed scope activity on this TV documentary which was a straight green line then moving to an active one, the patients recounted stories to their doctors which completely baffled them. First, both patients experienced the “near death experience” of travelling through a tunnel, meeting a being of light, and being told to return because it was not their time yet as described by many NDE and OBE experiencers. Second, for the benefit of lab scientists, both patients experienced an out of body experience, where they moved out of their bodies, looked at their prone bodies on the operating table from a ceiling vantage view, saw their doctors moving about their prone bodies, travelled from one room to another traversing walls as if they did not exist. One of them visited the hospital’s basement, and even hearing what each one were saying to the others – including the names of those doctors the patients never met. What is more interesting were, both patients were able to describe – one of them in precise detail – the new brain instruments that were being tried on them which one of them said “looked like and was the size of an electric toothbrush. It was taken out of its round grayish container the size of a wine bottle; and was brought by a lab technician from the sterilizing room.” Besides these events, other events which baffled doctors were the patients’ ability to remember the names of the other doctors who were not part of the hospital’s regular medical team which they did not meet before or after revival, because they were experts brought in from outside. It was, as one of the revived patient later on said, “watching the ER television series, except I could see what they were doing in detail. It was strange watching my body lying there, but I was at the same time watching myself.” Active bodily functions cannot account for these observations because they were medically shut down and the patient was medically “dead” in all respects. Shut down bodily functions do not record anything. Even if they were not “dead”, a patient under sedation can never recount the type of instrument and color of container it was taken from, or even name the names of the visiting experts team from outside which they never met. So, how can they see themselves? And describe details how their operation was done that baffled the doctors which only persons who were up and about could describe? Physically attributable reasons will not work as they were sedated, and even medically “dead”. And these two documentaries were only a tip of the iceberg of tens of thousands of other unrecorded, and very similar events going on around the world of those people who were bodily and clinically “dead” but were revived. That I happened to see these documentaries and remembered them is because I had a motive to remember, and this was the passing away of our Cyrus. If he did not pass away, like the typical person who was never devastated the way we were once, I would not give a hoot about such documentaries. An American survey, quoted in some television program recently, believes that over 8 million Americans experienced NDEs. I don’t know how they made the survey or even managed to get these figures. But in talking with people here in Jakarta, many people have had first hand knowledge, or an actual experience themselves. Nearly all of them said to me, including Minou’s cousin, Shahi, living in New Jersey when we visited her in July and August 1999, said it is impossible to describe the experience as no words can convey them. Another in Jakarta also said, it was too scary to describe the wonderful feeling the experiencer had. Words and the spoken language as we all know is an earthly and material attribute, and these experiencers were at a loss to describe their experience. One should realize that this very limited capabilities in research laboratories are not capable nor advanced enough to research ADC, OBE and NDE phenomena which are, one, basically very personal because two very close people cannot adequately describe to the other what one experienced. Two, scientific research capabilities have not reached that level of universal intelligence – and will never reach that level. The present level of man’s scientific knowledge is still nothing even after an individual spends 40 years obtaining 10 PhDs and another 10 MDs. And yet after spending hundreds of billions of dollars on laboratories by hundreds of thousands, and even millions of people, the total capacity of the human being’s “scientific community” can still not duplicate a man-made computer the size of the human brain. And it is said that only 6% or less of this human computer’s total capabilities are utilized! How for example? We have individuals, and this has been demonstrated many times throughout various stages of scientific development, man can calculate very complicated formulas much faster than the supercomputer of their day. What does this say? Man, for all his pride in his scientific achievements, cannot duplicate Nature’s (or the Universal Intelligence’s refered to as God or the Creator’s) capabilities. Where does Nature come from? It comes from somewhere. It is up to the individual to figure out for themselves because as long as one has never felt “there must be reasons for all this ... there must be an answer ...”, triggered by pain and hopelessness from that individual’s perspective (and it does not necessarily have to be the passing away of his child because different individuals have different concepts of devastation), then one will never seek. And as long as one is complacent and is happy – as we were once upon a time – then we will never seek ... until true devastation “woke” us up and forced us to seek. This also assumes one is aware that as “I am an intelligent person, surely my next door neighbor must also be intelligent ...” and not assume he is the only intelligent being on this world. ADCs and NDEs are akin to television broadcasters capable of going back 150 years in time, transmit their stereophonic colored television broadcasts in front of the scientific community of 150 years ago. Because that community did not have the necessary measuring instruments, they conclude therefore that radio waves in their minds – even if described by the modern scientists – are not present. And as far as ADCs and NDEs are concerned, we are that backward scientific community. But not of 150 years ago, but more of the stoneage variety. If one cannot understand a phenomena because instrumentation and knowledge to measure are not available, simply just say, “I do not understand” even if one had 10 PhDs and 10 MDs. Let’s us not have the attitude of an acquaintance who said, “It’s not in the Scientific American (magazine)”, as if this magazine is the final word on Universal Knowledge. No one is going to make fun. One needs an experience base to understand it which then creates a knowledge base. It is like a baby who does not realize that a burning candle can hurt him, until one day he puts his finger on the fire and gains the experience and then the knowledge to never put his finger on a burning candle. One’s mind will always be closed, and shut out what is the obvious, as long as the scientist is prejudiced towards his pet beliefs, and as long as – like that baby – has never experienced it. The ordinary folks who experience the obvious , are like those who experience ADC, NDE and OBE, and are like colored television viewers all over the world having experienced colored TVs. 99% of them do not have the foggiest notion how it works – like those experiencers have no notion of how ADCs, NDE and OBEs work and frankly, could not care less how it works, as long as it works and they experience it. And those who experience these ADCs, NDEs are just as smart, just as highly educated, and just as experienced – if not more – than those laboratory scientists who claim to monopolize knowledge. We are conditioned by our environment, by beliefs of superiority of certain religions, of skin color, of cultural superiority, and naturally of our superior scientific achievements. Let us always keep in mind that the ADC, NDE and OBE phenomena, and differing religions and skin color are kid stuff from God’s (or, if you prefer the universal intelligence) perspectives, but something we will probably never understand because we cannot measure them. Our knowledge, our experiences, and our actions
are like one grain of sand in a white expanse of unlimited beach. Let us
not claim and insist, therefore, that our one grain of sand
is the only right way and the only right knowledge.
Other grains
of sand – other experiences and knowledge – exist, too, and by being tolerant
and understanding we too, will begin to realize how vast and expansive
God’s creations are. And realize, too, how small we really are.
April, 1999
All the Holy Books, and all religions, tell of helping the poor. We, in this world, talk about “poor” usually meaning materially poor people, lack of food, clothing and a shelter, and even people who have no limbs or are blind. In the language of the soul, of universe eternity, one talks about something more significant of doing good things, of forgiving one’s self, of loving one’s self – not of material achievements. First of all, material achievements are non-existent in the other, spiritual dimension, world. Nobody needs material wealth there. Materiality includes broken limbs, blindness, sickness and all the other things like these that we do not need which are unpleasant, but also include those things which are very pleasant like being very rich, and idolized because one is a well known public figure. In the spiritual world, the “poor” are those who do not know how to love. Or poor in lacking a sense of love and forgiveness, not material wealth. In any case, material wealth cannot be taken with us when we leave this earthly dimension. I personally experienced the “smallness” and insignificance of whatever material wealth (and professional achievements) that we had after Cyrus left us. Believe me (and I hope one will never experience this) all the material wealth and whatever achievements that was accomplished mean nothing. Cyrus’ departure has opened our eyes to these and is making us more sensitive to these different aspects of life which were previously dominated by material achievements. And what should really count is our true status as a spiritual being which is eternal, and this is what it is all about. Our lives on this earthly dimension are like the stage of an earthly theater acting out some stage life story like in a Broadway theater, putting our costumes on (our earthly bodies), acting the part (of a father, mother, sister or brother; and as a black, white, brown, or yellow person). Once the show is over 2 hours later (when we “die” at the age of 75 years) we return to our different homes in heaven or in hell if we botch our part, as a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Moslem or whatever. The “rich” souls are those who have gone through many stage lives (some 844,000 times according to Buddhist belief, if I am not mistaken), and have learnt that forgiveness opens the door to love. The longer the soul’s experience, the more likely this soul will descend back into the material dimension to teach about love and forgiveness. When God teaches forgiveness, and Jesus Christ takes in men’s sins, there is no reason why this humble spirit should not learn from these examples. The evolved, old soul, will descend into a family as a crippled son, and this family will be obligated to take care of this crippled boy, at the same time learning to love and care for this boy. For this soul it is a work of love. It may be inconvenient and uncomfortable physically for the evolved soul, but he is doing it willingly. Besides as an eternal being, 75 years as the average human lifetime on this earth, is nothing but a fraction of eternal time (a matter of seconds, so to speak). An earthly multi-millionaire living in his original home in a posh environment will descend into the slums and spends half an hour or two, working with the poor by giving away medicine, money, or create social enhancement projects. He feels he must contribute something, because his religions tells him to tithe and perhaps he feels he has to give back something to society. Likewise, for this millionaire he may be uncomfortable with the smells and environment of the slum, and the half an hour or two hours he spends in the slums is akin to a few moments of the overall human lifetime of this millionaire. His material wealth in this material dimension is his richness and he helps the poor to alleviate their suffering; while in the spiritual world the evolved soul’s richness is his love and descends into the deprived soul’s life to help it to learn to love. In both instances they give. The key word here is to give. In this respect, I should also learn to “forgive”
myself and not blame myself for being less than a good father to my Son
who passed away. Cyrus’ Guardian said as much. Many of these ADC experiences
by thousands of people seem to address my grief, as if they were talking
to me personally. Yet they were recounting experiences with their loved
NDEs convey experiences of souls who, when leaving their bodies, suddenly find themselves hovering over their remains. If they suffer for a long time and expect their deaths, they are aware of their deaths and pass on. Often such persons will daydream right in the middle of the day about departed friends, like Cyrus daydreamed about his departed friend Amir 4 or 5 days before he himself passed away. Then his Mom walks in and he was startled because she interrupted his day dreaming, and he said to her, “I just saw Amir standing where you are, and I asked him, ‘What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be dead!’.” To Cyrus, Amir’s presence was real enough. Had we known that such day dreaming was an indication of near passing away, I frankly wouldn’t know what to do. But for sure, we would be mentally prepared. But if their deaths were sudden as in accidents and murders their spirits are suddenly expelled, and they are disoriented as they leave their bodies and need several moments to realize that they passed away. The disoriented spirit will also talk to people who are on the scene, and when they do not reply, and in an emergency situations see that people pass right through them, they then realize they had passed into another dimension where those left behind do not see. In no instance, as recounted by ADC, NDE and OBE experiencers, is their spirit in anyway “hurt” or “injured” even though their bodies were blown up to bits. They may experience shock, dismay and perhaps frustration, but that's about it. When a being is falling over a cliff, for example, the spirit will leave the body before it hits the ground. Spirits are aware of imminent death, even though our bodily consciousness is not, and they protect themselves from the shock of the body destroying itself. In short, spirits are never physically hurt or injured because injury is strictly a physical earthly attribute. When one passes and arrives in the spiritual dimension, and after realizing that one has died in this earthly dimension, the spirit sheds its earthly body, then sheds its “sheath” (something like a snake shedding its skin) virtually moments later that has enveloped its earthly body, and uses its astral body. This astral body is in all respects an exact duplicate of its earthly body. All the likes and dislikes of its earthly body, including prejudices and yearnings are carried over to this astral body. But its physical deformities like blindness, arthritis, bad heart, disease, illnesses and other physical infirmities will not exist in the spirit world because they are conditions of the earthly world. The spirit arrives in its new dimension with traits and earthly experiences that it created before its earthly death, and will “...gravitate to a state of existence that contains its interests. Souls with matching interests join together on a similar spiritual level,” according to James Praagh and other mediums. The soul is met by a guardian, like Cyrus obviously was met by his Guardian who later communicated a message to his Mother. This Guardian not only looks after Cyrus, but must surely do something more useful like guiding him to attain a higher spiritual awareness. The spirit will continue to use this astral body and be in this state until it has lived out its earthly desires. It can take just one moment, two weeks, 2 years, or even 100 years depending on the soul’s disposition and its desires. According to James Praagh based on his readings, meditations and ability to travel to the other dimension, “There is a view that heaven is filled with winged angels playing harps and floating on clouds. This is purely a myth,” he says. A spirit may think it has been out of its physical body for just a few moments, but in earth’s reality he may have been gone for several days. This is because for the spirit time is not measured by wordly 24 hours standards, but by its experience. It is more concerned with what it wants to do, rather than the actual time it takes to do it. For example, in Cyrus’ Mom and my reality, it felt as if the experience of Cyrus’ departure for us was a “a long time”, not 75 days as the calendar states. But much longer, perhaps akin to more than a year! We do not know why this is. Perhaps, as friends say, for nice things time passes very quickly. For unpleasant things, it passes so slowly, sometimes feeling as if it will never end. We can therefore identify with such feelings that a soul may feel. In its astral body the soul first goes through a dark tunnel, feels some sort of vibration and buzzing, and as one progresses, feels being hurtled this tunnel at high speed, one then sees “a light at the end of the tunnel”. The light becomes larger and larger and the spirit feels a welcoming feeling that is coming from that light. The spirit is then met by beings of light and at that moment the being of light reviews that spirit’s life, accompanied by feelings of welcome home. In short, it is pleasant because in that dimension the newly arrived spirit is aware of what he has done wrong and what he has done good, so does the being of light. It’s like talking to one’s own conscience, and
it does not talk to the newly arrived spirit in an accusatory manner just
as our conscience will not talk to us in an accusatory manner because our
conscience will not accuse us because, deep down, we know exactly what
we did wrong and when we did good. And if one thinks about one’s loved
ones who have passed away before he dies, those loved ones will also be
with the being of light.
If the loved ones’ souls are highly developed or are “old” souls, the beings of light could be your loved ones. Thoughts are real and tangible in the spiritual world. Thoughts may be intangible in this earthly dimension. But it is thoughts that create tangibles, miracles, and healing that confounded the medical profession. They create great inventions, create countries and live saving medicine and machineries: first by thinking about it, and then creating it by accumulating the raw materials and then putting it together – all, because originally it evolved of and from our thoughts. Once it tires of its earthly yearnings, the soul “sheds” its astral body, a form of second dying so to speak, and “graduates” to a higher level of being. Going to a higher dimension does not mean that it has left its loved ones on earth. It communicates like it used to do, except that it no longer yearns for cigarettes like I know Cyrus must still yearn for. We are told that as soon as we think about the departed, that soul is right there with us because time and space as we know on earth does not exist. They are strictly this earthy and material dimension’s attributes. In “space and distance” terms Minou can be in Tehran and I am in Jakarta. But for Cyrus, his two parents can be sitting at the same table facing him. His “travels” in earthly space are instantaneous. Think about your departed soul, you can be sure he is right next to you. Souls will confirm this when and if one has the opportunity to talk to a go between (medium) like James Praagh. James Praagh, whom we first watched twice 6 months apart on CNN’s Larry King Live in Jakarta impressed us because as soon as the caller identifies herself, he immediately responds with a personal message from the the caller’s departed loved on which were nearly always personal and can only be understood only by the caller, also said one can even “develop this ability” oneself, provided there is patience, effort and practice. Thoughts are real, as all of the ADCs and
NDE experiencers said. Thoughts, like prayers in whatever language are
intangibles, and we pray so that we get tangible results. Have not
people prayed for a something, even ask for curing cancer and making a
cripple walk and this prayer not answered? Prayers, through thoughts expressed
silently or loudly create tangibles, miracles, and new inventions
and even new countries.
But if a body dies and the spirit leaves the body with a feeling of vengeance for someone, hurt and other negative thoughts about losing one’s limbs, for example, this feeling will carry on to their spirit world. The key word here is feeling. During their next lifetime, this memory carries on. It is imprinted on their soul as the soul’s memory. One’s limb, for example, is always painful for no known medical reason; or one is afraid of the water since a baby for an unknown reason, perhaps because one had drowned in a previous lifetime and therefore in this lifetime has an inherent fear of water – as my feeling of failing my Son in a previous lifetime, Cyrus, was imprinted in my soul. I do not know how I failed him in a previous lifetime, but my soul’s memory tells me this. This feeling then becomes the karma from the original Sanskrit word of action. This means, basically, you reap what you sow; for every action one causes a reaction. This is also applicable on the earth existence, for example: when one is kind to someone, there is a very great likelihood your kindness will be returned, if not by that same person, by another one. If instead one is cruel and murderous, one is likely to be murdered in return. Like attracts like; hence, one murderer or one thief will attract another murderer or thief. Take care of your potted plant, and it will thrive; ignore it, and you get a limp or wilted plant. To leave a negative vicious circle of action
and reaction, one’s soul must learn to forgive “the other person” no
matter what this other person had done to you, including shortening your
life by murdering you. There are many instances of communications, in one
particular instance of a little girl of 9 years old, cute as a doll
her family and friends say, who was murdered. The distraught father was
out to kill the murderer. In spite of repeated pleas by his little girl
for the next 10 years through mediums and other communications,
the father was not willing to give up – even though this little girl said,
daddy .... I have forgiven him. You should too. When you return home, you
will understand, too why you should forgive.”
The world’s Holy Books always talks about “forgiving”. They just say forgive; but do not really explain why one must forgive. Because of the consequences of action and reaction, except perhaps in a few sentences here and there, from the short stories the prophets (Jesus and Mohammad, for example) did this and did that, so that by the time one finds all the sentences explaining why one must forgive, the person has already devoted a whole lifetime just in studying the books. Why must we forgive? Because forgiving is an act of love, an act of sacrifice if someone has done you wrong. It does take a lot to forgive someone who has hit you and given you a lump on your head. On the other side, if one thinks vengeance, one thinks about getting even (killing someone if necessary) which creates an aura of negativity. Negativity inhibits progress to love, therefore progress to Heaven and is rewarded with confining themselves in the lower, and darker regions of our Universal Intelligence. Love therefore is another word for heaven. Or, heaven = love. If one loves someone, one always wants to be near that loved one, and one is happy to be near that loved one. It could be one’s man, woman, daughter, son, a friend and even one’s pet. When one is away from that loved one, one becomes unhappy. Love, or being in heaven, transcends physical deformities, age and shortcomings because it is the being of the person one loves, faults and all, not his/her exterior shell, his body. So, if you feel you “love” someone, ask yourself if you want to be with this person as much as you can. If as a person you “love” your woman less because she has become old, then you do not love this person because her body has become an old battered t-shirt. So, if one wants to enjoy heaven, one must think of love which includes forgiving and “turning the other face” when slapped. Besides forgiving the other person, a soul must be able to “forgive one’s self”, or to accept the forgiveness given by the other soul, and because of this be able to “forgive oneself”. If someone whom we injured forgives, but we do not forgive ourselves for the injury we caused because we feel so bad about it, we ourselves will suffer, and go on through life and even through other lives, suffering through this self non-forgiveness that manifests itself in some complicated phobia in our next lifetimes. Difficult as it is to understand, but the act of not forgiving ourselves is in a way a kind of personal hell to ourselves because we have to continue to live with it, with or without the knowledge of other people. I have done somethings in life which I prefer not to ever do again because it caused pain to others, and still find it hard to forgive myself for the pain I caused others. As I said before, Iam not perfect. I am trying now to forgive myself for not taking good enough care of my Son, Cyrus. For example, I should have paid more attention to the little spot in his lungs 2.5 years before he passed away. I know Cyrus has “forgiven” me because his Guardian told Cyrus’ Mother as much: “Tell his father he should not hold himself responsible and feel that he didn't do enough ...”. No matter what anyone else tells me, Cyrus’ Guardian, or even my own Guardian, it is afterall my soul who has to accept the experience, not them. It is therefore next to impossible for the guardians, even the angels, to do it for us. If it was possible, the angels just snap their fingers and all of us would be good souls and there would be no hell. But it doesn’t work this way. It is still hard to try to forgive myself because knowing my past circumstances in this lifetime, I know–and I cannot lie to myself–I could have done better. This, Iam sure, is one of the lessons I had to learn in this lifetime. Perhaps in one year or two, or five years’ time, I will learn to forgive myself. But I sure do NOT want to go through this pain ever again! While in this earth dimension murdering someone is a “big deal”, but in the real home of our souls, murdering our body is akin like tearing one’s t-shirt off our body. Our body is our t-shirt. We have no attachments to a destroyed t-shirt, especially when this “t-shirt” was torn (a sick body). On this earth dimension our body is important, not the t-shirt. On the spiritual and home dimension, our spirit is important, not our body ... nor the multi-million dollar or the accumulation of vast material wealth. When someone in this world tears up somebody’s t-shirt, even though it is insignificant cost wise to us in this earthly dimension, one is obligated to replace this t-shirt. In our home spiritual dimension it is also necessary to replace that t-shirt, our body, when someobody murders us. Or, as the example of the car above, we as the person (as the soul) driving the car (our body) will obviously get upset when someone rams our car and destroys it. But once our car (body) is destroyed, we dump it in the dumpyard and either claim it from the insurance company, or demand compensation for our destroyed property. Hence, action and reaction, or karma. Being on earth is like being in the cocoon state,
and on leaving our body it is akin to becoming a butterfly. One can easily
visualize a cocoon versus the freedom of a butterfly. That is why the symbol
of associations and organizations that deal with afterlife phenomena use
the butterfly as their symbol.
The God which is portrayed in the spiritual dimension by thousands of modern day ADC, NDE experiencers, by “regression” through hypnosis, and through other means (bringing to the conscious level one’s life as a 5 year old in this lifetime, then before birth, and then back to other times of the soul’s lifetime), and as portrayed in cave dwellings around the world about the soul after death, it portrays a loving God, not a vengeful one. One’s soul is also far more “sensitive” to the notions of what is right, and what is wrong. As earth beings we also have a conscience. Visualize a time when you bawl out your child (your spouse or your friend) and then feel pretty bad about it and try to make up for it. In the spirit world, one’s sensitivity is multiplied a few thousand folds and thus one’s concept of what is right, and what is wrong, is determined by ourselves. Not a judge (God) sitting at court and accusing the soul of terrible things that he had done, or had not done like sins of omission. We are created by God, and some Holy Books and the religious beliefs of today’s major religions say we are God’s children. As our parents children, we have characteristics of our parents (God as our parent). This means therefore we are also mini-Gods and have the ability, in a much smaller scale, to create something out of nothing. It is not such a strange concept, therefore, that as a part of God, it does not have to be a “second” party (another God) that will punish or reward us. We have the capability to determine that ourselves. When a soul has led a murderous life (that is
interfering with other souls’ life plans and learning), it is the interfering
soul itself which will regret his life because of his own highly sensitized
consciousness which is magnified a thousands fold. It is its own conscience
that will punish it and it is its own consciousness which will determine
how long it will be punished. But when this soul regrets its murderous
actions and wishes to atone, a being of light will come to him. Thoughts
travel instantaneously, and the asking for forgiveness and willing to atone
are received by those (the guardian) looking after this poor soul. Unlike
in this earthly dimension a spirit cannot fool another spirit, for instance
by covering up its real intentions to another spirit, because thoughts
in that heavenly dimension are like an open book.
Angels, and jins and malaikat (angel) in the Islamic religion, are not creators. Angels and jins (including Satan) were created by God as His helpers. They are not His children. Consequently, angels and jins are not creators, like humans are creators, a characteristic of God the Creator. The human spirit can create an automobile, for example, from just an idea. Angels cannot create a car made from metal, take the iron ore from mines to make the steel, pump out oil and refine it to make gasoline, and everything else that creates the car and the fuel that runs it. Angels do other things for the soul. The angels (and jins) can duplicate it, but not create it. Humans cannot flash it but can create it, and can do so because of the inherent abilities as God’s children. Human souls in the Islamic (and most probably in other) religion are more “holy” (more perfect), were created after the creation of angels, are mini-Gods because we are His children and have the ability to create. Even God improves on his creations, that is, by creating the human spirit in His image, as versus creating his helpers. That is why when God already created the angels (and also the jins in addition to angels in the Islamic world), an angel who was unhappy that God created something “new and better” told Him, “I am better than your new creation and I will prove it by making him worship me, not You.” God said, “Go ahead and try. I have given the soul an ability to choose.” The angel who rebelled then took with him a few of his minions, became known as satan and he has been trying forever to win God’s children to Satan’s way of doing things. Let us not forget Satan was one of God’s creation and, actually, it is not appropriate to place Satan in the same level as his Creator. For example to say: “It is the work of Satan, not God.” It should be, “It is Satan’s work”, period, and not even bring God into the picture. Because God has always given the human spirit a choice. One can also prefer to continue to live in hell by hating and thus creating a negative aura. Think about hell and negative vibrations, around you become dark and foreboding because hell is darkness and foreboding. If your concept of hell is a burning inferno as in the Christian religion, then you will create this inferno. Hell is one’s own hell which you create. Or, the other choice is because it is more pleasant to be in Heaven, one must instead love. When you think about love, and your concept of heaven is flowers, woods and animals, your heaven becomes that. Many spirits of different beliefs stated that
when they arrive “home” their concepts of what they had been taught on
earth, will appear as that particular religious belief when they reach
their heaven.
You are You, and I am Me. My religion is not wrong; neither is yours. Who am I to say I am better than you. We are different like pears and oranges, but not better because we have our own space. Let’s be friends and have beer together. We sit, talk, learn about ourselves, perhaps even a: “Hey, I have this problem, do you know anything about ...”. The other fellow replies, “Let me talk to this guy I know. Maybe he can help.” One gets to know someone else who can help, make more friends, and life in short, is more pleasant. Loving is sissy? Don’t you believe it. Iam glad during those days as an operative, I didn’t kill anyone. I did it because I cared for suppressed people. And you can be sure, I wasn’t a sissy. Big, tough, macho guys operatives or not who do not bat an eyelid when their hands gets blown away, cry like babies when you hit them where it hurts:their mom, or their dad, or their sister, or their son, daughter, wife, or girlfriend, their gun, their guru, their money or even their pet! Everyone has a vulnerable spot somewhere. To most people their vulnerable spot are their children, their wife, their parents and then their friends. For those who do not have anyone, it is very likely their their sensitive spot is their gurus who taught them how to kill 10 people in 2 minutes, or their organization’s boss who brought them in. Someone always has a weak spot somewhere. It is a matter of finding it, and using it (a typical operative dogma). Minou and I are fortunate to have many friends. Friends with many different kinds of thoughts and beliefs, different backgrounds, different religions, and ofcourse different knowledge bases, not only from Indonesia, but also from many different parts of the world. The essence here is a “a different knowledge and experience base”. While among ourselves there may be disagreements, we realize that this disagreement stems from different experience and knowledge bases. In the end whatever differences there may exist, it doesn’t mean anything once everyone identifies where the difference lies. We know for a fact that if an opportunity presents itself where we experience the same events, our differences would narrow, maybe even disappear altogether. Like knowledge and experience bases are the key to a mutual understanding. One’s knowledge and experience base is not “better”; just “different”. We accept their different knowledge bases because our experience with God is that God is much too great and much too encompassing to be pegged to a specific belief, be it Moslem, Catholic, Protestant, Buddha, Hindu, Zoroastrian, and what have you. The Creator does not make mistakes and for his creations to say that one religion is better, or one’s color skin is superior does not realize how small his views of God’s universality and greatness are. We believe, for example, that all religions lead to one God. So, if one prayed the Moslem way, and then prayed the way of another religion, it is not wrong ... a kind of I go in my Toyota and you go in your Nissan, both vehicles that carry us to our Creator. Those vehicles contain some differences, but basically they are vehicles with engines, doors, airconditioning/heater, seats and a steering wheel that carry us from point A to point B, or by turning that wheel and plunge ourselves down a cliff. When one passes away as a Christian, the beings that meet the soul are those that it recognizes as depicted in the Christian concept. Likewise with other religions. When a friend expressed, “... you would be able to praise the Almighty God for Cyrus' death ...”, it was in our minds, a part of a larger meaning. On the surface it is painful; perhaps even callous, if one's “knowledge base” was narrow and limited. But in the scope of larger picture, his statement made sense. After dwelling on different experiences of mankind, both personally and lately because of Cyrus’ passing away, which were expressed in different beliefs, his statement meant that “Cyrus was back home”. That he did not suffer any longer, and that he was happy in his present dimension, expressed so vividly when he smiled 18 hours after his death. Cyrus was home because his spirit–and all of ours too–belongs in the spirit world. We are here in this material dimension because we had to learn lessons of life. This diversity of beliefs, not stuck to any particular dogma, reinforces even stronger our beliefs that God is so great that whatever belief one may have, God is there to reinforce this belief. God's greatness and its vastness are just too great for any human being to comprehend. Our world, and what's in it – our beliefs, our religions and so forth – is like one grain of sand in a vast beach of trillions of grains of sands as far as the eyes can see. People talk about God’s greatness, his forgiveness
and everything good and positive associated with God. But they do not practice
it, like the racists who practice their religion quoting their Holy Book
but killing people because of his different coloured skin or different
religion. Or fundamentalists in the name of a religion who believe that
women are “inferior” and therefore they should be caged at home like animals.
Who was the one who bore and gave them birth anyway? These narrow-minded
types give a bad name to their religions.
When friends from Korea came to visit us this evening (Thurs 4, Feb. 1999), and told us that Cyrus – whom they have never met – will go to a higher plane in God's realm and he was destined do so, it did NOT quiet make sense to us. The basis of their knowledge was Buddhism, and they were in consultations with a friend who gave up his material wealth as head of a Korean world conglomerate, his Catholic religion and his family to become a Buddhist monk to “heed God’s call to serve his fellow man”. This Buddhist monk gave a very accurate physical description of myself, of my character, and of the son that I missed, especially of how I felt and blamed for not doing enough to prevent his death. The Korean friends who visited did not even know that I felt this way. And were in fact the ones who told me I blamed myself which was at that time somewhere deep down in the recesses of my mind and I could not even articulate clearly. They gave us Cyrus’ character analysis (which was accurate, i.e. his character is like mine, but his looks is like his Mother’s), and other things that was hard to believe. Here we have a bunch of strangers (as far as my private life was concerned) who told us many things about Cyrus’ past and his future after his departure without even meeting him. But this hard-to-believe information conveyed to Cyrus’ Mother and I, is only hard to believe because of our limited knowledge. Not because the knowledge is false. We began to realize this, and also realized how small our mind and our knowledge were in the wider scope of universal intelligence. But this information given by them in a 3 hour conversation made many different things fall into place like a jigsaw puzzle. Mind you, these Koreans were not monks or priests; they were 100% pure businessmen. They dabbled into this realm because of the message conveyed by their Korean Buddhist monk to convey to me. But they (and Minou and I) have the wisdom of realizing that the more one knows, the more one feels that one's knowledge of the world – and the universe – is like a grain of sand in a wide, open spaced beach as far as the eye can see! This is why our knowledge of this world -- the knowledge available from our Creator – is nothing. Just like one grain of sand in a wide expanse of beach. This smallness of our beings, that one single grain of sand, is awesome. Many friends said Cyrus was predestined to live
only a short life (as some of these Moslem friends believe, and which the
Koreans also told us this evening) and that we should not grieve for him.
In fact, the words from a friend that “...you would be able to
praise the Almighty God for Cyrus’ death...” has a more significance
after this little tidbit of information came to us from the Koreans. What
this friend said is true; what our Moslem friends said is true, and what
our Koreans friends had said, provides for more insight, and further understanding.
Each little word, and advice become a part of a larger picture that is
easier to understand.
He is on a much higher plane, the Koreans said, naming the plane. There are 31 planes. On reaching God’s plane of perfection, one unites with God, according to them. When the Koreans told me this on February the 4th., deep down I must still be unconvinced, because Cyrus’ Guardian 17 days later again conveyed the same message on the 21st. of February, 1999, when Minou suddenly woke up from a deep sleep at 3 in the morning, and while wide awake his Guardian communicated the same message to her. Whether “The 7th. Heaven” is the the 7th. plane referred to by the Koreans, or the 31st. is irrelevant. The understanding is that there are so many planes. I do not believe, for example, that a human soul after living on the Earth plane for one lifetime, becomes “perfect” immediately and joins up with God, knowing very well how humans can be full of mischiefs. How can a human soul with all its shortcomings become immediately perfect when his body dies? It makes sense only when he has to learn additional lessons. In these additional lessons, in my mind, he does join up with God, but on another higher plane. On and on to different and higher planes until he reaches the plane of perfection which is God’s plane (the 31st, according to the Koreans). Therefore, when people tell me he is much happier, there is truth. The earth plane is number 5, and that Cyrus will (note the word WILL) leave for the 9th., perhaps even unto the 11th. plane, after staying in the intermediary (half way station, I imagine the 5th. or earth’s) plane, the Koreans stated quoting their Buddhist monk friend who told them he got this information from the Akashic Records (the Universal Book of Knowledge where every soul’s activities are recorded). The way the former C.E.O.-turned-monk went about getting this information on myself and Cyrus was very articulate, like getting a “due diligence” financial report on some company. Not some flim-flamsy type of communications associated with many paranormals. And what about this “nonsense” on the existence of the Akashic Records? We can say this Akashic Records is nonsense or not, only if we were exposed to such a knowledge base. If we are not, it is then not our business to comment about it, just as it is not our business to comment about the skills of a nerve surgeon when we ourselves are not even in the medical profession. We just listen and not apply too much “our common sense” because our common sense is also based on our “experience” and “knowledge” bases which do not include information on the Akaschic Records. That is why this former Korean conglomerate C.E.O. left his materialistically rewarding profession to help mankind because God called him to. And someone who is capable of making this conglomerate a respected global entity is certainly not stupid. He obviously has something else which not many others do not simply have. The Earth plane, they said quoting the monk is somewhat like “hell” (and I heard this from many others who have studied it). To us who do not remember what a crummy place this is, we think it’s o.k. It’s o.k. from our perspective because we have not seen – or remember – how much nicer the other higher planes are. It’s hell when we have seen the other higher planes. Everything, therefore, is very relative in comparison to other things. Did Cyrus come down from a higher plane to help his Father from this plane? And that he had returned to his own higher plane again? If he did, why did he leave his family in such pain? If he left his father in such pain, was it meant for his father to seek the reason? And on discovering the reason his father realizes there are higher planes? If this was the lesson, I sure learned it real fast. Apparently, souls who have come down from a higher plane unconsciously feel they do not belong to the present earth plane. That their stay is temporary, and that they unconsciously know of a higher and better things to do. It then makes sense why on many occasions Cyrus did give me, his father, the impression that he did NOT really care to live in this world. In many man-to-man talk, he tells me, "If I have to go, I'll go ... it's o.k.", not realizing then when he said these words that he crushed his father's heart. He said this, 5-6 days before his death. His soul must have known that he was only to live a short life, and that he had to go to another higher realm where his soul will be much happier. The earth plane's average life time is 75-100
years, the Koreans said. While Cyrus is destined to go to a plane where
the average life span is 1,000 years of our time frame. They do not have
earth-type diseases and crimes. Pain and disease are in this dimension
to teach the soul to deal with pain, devastation and anger.
The ustadt’s (like a Moslem priest) discovery of a clean body, even though he ate the solid foods of a normal healthy young man, with about 2 liters of medical infusion until the minute of his death, meant God had taken away his sins in the ustadt’s mind. And he said so. Although the ustadt never said anything about a higher realm, the Koreans did say that in order to achieve this higher realm one must be pure. Purity was uttered by the ustadt when he cleaned and bathed Cyrus’ remains. The Koreans provided this answer, in my mind. These are little pieces of a puzzle from different quarters that made us realize that this is much greater than what appears to be. What other, humanly explanation can anyone give? He did not go to the toilet before his death either, except 1.65 liters of pee (I noted down in my little red book everything that was done to him, and what he did minute by minute). I have seen my Father's death where he was only on infusion, not on solid foods because he couldn't ingest it, and he still gave out solid remains. One can ofcourse always give some sort of scientific explanation. And then his smile? No, the ustadt did not touch his face, except to stuff some cotton in his nose and ears. We were ALL watching him do his work. He still smiled. One more thing, of all the remains I have seen on people, my son's did not have to have his mouth taped shut. It was shut when he died; and it stayed shut without any external help. |
..I hope you continue your road map.. ” www.iGrandparents.com
– the web's largest site on grandparenting:
“I looked at your
site (it was excellent) ... I hope you continue to design your great
site and continue your road map!*
Have a good day.” ... Bryan Butakis www.iGrandparents.com•
*Road map is a reference on real-life experience,
the "how-to" of handling the devastation
and bereavement of losing one's child, and the psychic
and physical “After Death Communications”
found in several webpages at the www.suryo.net
site map.
“ ..success stories!” Living in Indonesia - A site for expats – one of the largest web sites for Expats living in the vast and sprawling Indonesian nation, the world's 4th. largest populated nation.. click here for more info. It's great to have real life examples of all the things we're talking about ... Especially the ‘success stories’ of the kids** of these (mixed) marriages ...Your sites are very interesting and offer valuable insight to many ... good luck with them all!! ... All the best” ... Danielle Sukarty, Organizing Committee, Living in Indonesia - A site for expats • **Laila 36 years the smart Environment & City Planning Engineer & **Arto 35 years, the Diplomat |
..Everything I wish I could articulate myself.. ”
I visited (this) webpage and found it to be everything I wish I could articulate
myself ... although I know what a heart wrenching task it must have been
to put it in words, I am grateful to you for what you have done ... ” Teresa,
Arkansas, U.S.A. (a bereaved parent who commemorates her daughter's passing
away by inviting other bereaved parents to
commemorate their loved one on her website)
“I've found a shelter in a storm.. ” How amazingly wonderful your site is! My son Karl died on 2/21/01. He was 18. I miss him IMMENSELY! Hugs to you and your beautiful wife. Thank you so much for sharing your hearts. I especially Love seeing photo's of your beautiful son Cyrus. I'm saving your web pages and plan to read EVERY word... It's so wonderful you have such an important and extensive site for human beings in such pain and need. Know that today, thank's be to God and You, I've found a shelter in a storm. GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR WIFE AND DEAR CYRUS!!!” Colleen McCurdy, 25 Mar. ’01 | What other folks had to say... | The Do's and Don'ts in facing bereaved parents–from the bereaved's perspectives|| After-Death Communications is Real – The Miracle of the Fan | “Our Son in the other dimension” |
“ ..it brought tears in my eyes.. ” I am so sorry about the loss of your son Cyrus. I have read the story that you wrote in the page. I cannot imagine the trauma that you and your wife had to go thru, it brought tears in my eyes at the middle of the story what you must have gone thru. How sad it must had been. We too had our sorrows and had to go thru the valley of the unknown hurts of life... Gustaaf Vogelsang 8 August, 2001 |
..losing a child is far more devastating.. ” Losing
an offspring like our 25 year old, Cyrus, is a devastation NO parent will
ever know, unless ONE EXPERIENCES it. It is far more devastating than losing
one's own parents and brothers and sisters – which
we had experienced and had gone through several times. More so when
this child was a living
doll, then no longer a child, became an adult and then a friend, a trusted
buddy who can instead give advice, and whom we can share experiences with
. On Jan. 28, 1999 when he
passed away, and 2½ years later on Aug. 7th. 2001, our voices still
break up and tears welled up in his mother's eyes , when a friend who
did not know Cyrus was no longer with us, asked “...and how is Cyrus..?”
Do's and Don'ts in facing bereaved parents – from the bereaved's perspectives
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![]() •Raden Roro Laila - The Smart Woman Environment Engineer •Raden Arto, Javanese prince The Diplomat...& his family •Raden Cyrus Agung ... 9 Nov. 1973–28 Jan. 1999* & remembering his favorite kind of music – An Eulogy to a departed Son – In Bahasa Indonesia – A poem: God said: "I'll lend you my Child..." – A friend Asks: Tell me about Cyrus? – Friends say: My Heart Breaks for you – In memory of Cyrus' 1st. Anniversary in the Other Dimension Music Page–28 January, 2000 ![]() – The Do's and Don'ts in facing bereaved parents – from the bereaved's perspectives – Published Reference List on the After-Life, Near Death Experiences & After-Death Communications – What Do the Other Dimensions & “After Death Communications” Convey? ![]() – After-Death Communications is Real - The Miracle of the Fan 26 Aug., 1999 – The One-Legged Grasshopper ![]() – A Prayer for our Son & all other departed children
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"bahan titik", an acronym which means material made from dots, the
process of making handmade batik cloth.
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28, 35 year Sons & 36 year Daughter who are improvements of ourselves |
like our 3 Grandchildren |
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MIDI, or musical instrument digital interface, is a standard used by sound-card makers and musical instrument manufacturers to let various electronic instruments and sound processors talk to each other. Because MIDI sound samples and synthesis algorithms are stored on the local system (either in your sound card, the PC's processor, or in an external MIDI module), all that needs to be sent over the wire is a series of signals that say what note to play when. For that reason, extremely small MIDI files (less than 5K) can still deliver several minutes of music. A 3 minute MP3sound carries a size of some 2.7 MB, while the equivalent 3 minute MIDI file is about 1/100 its size (27K). MIDI notes and sound effects are usually limited to the sounds in the standard General MIDI set. General MIDI is a fairly extensive set, including drums, woodwinds, strings, and some sound effects, but it's not the same as recording your own sounds or your voice which you can with MP3. Also, MIDI quality depends almost exclusively on the sound system used for playback. A PC with an el cheapo sound card using weak FM synthesis technology could make even a brilliant MIDI arrangement sound like a $15 electronic keyboard, whereas an expensive wavetable synthesis sound system could produce awe-inspiring MIDItones. For quicker down loading, MIDI files are used here. |
¹MIDI music from Bourbon Street & ²From MidiWorld • ³Sequenced (played & arranged) by Devian, a 30-year Indonesian graduate from the Berkely School of Music & used with permission • º Sequenced by Jan Halsema & used with permission • *Wherever possible and available permission was requested from their composers • **Used with permission • All music tracks are available for non-commercial use |